If we've come across as an international scale, big brand then we are honoured, but the reality is that we are just two guys doing this on our own, with a lot of heart and soul.

Here is our studios page, where you can get an insight into the passion and effort we put in to all our Organi products, from the design aspects, sewing, photographing, editing, writing, embroidering or printing stages, that we both take on day to day to bring you the best possible piece of clothing that you could be proud to own!
- Dany & Jorge

A large portion of the clothing you recieve was made by us here at our own studio.

From the small details of our iconic tags sewn on by hand, to the larger parts of the embroidery or printing. This poor sewing machine has really been put to the test.
For that we love you machine!

(maybe we should name it! DM us with a name suggestion if you're reading this!)

A little known fact about us is that we are a bilingual couple, so every now and then you will spot some Spanish around our studios, take the Pura Vida sticker example on the machine. Pure Life, that's all what we're about here, and how we intend to keep the world!

Here is a pic of our first ever demo sweatshirt. (Notice the fake bottom tag made from paper)

Organi was founded officially in 2020, however the idea of creating sustainable clothing had been with us for about a year or two before that, starting with re-sewing old clothes into new. It wasn't enough though, we wanted to design our ideas from scratch, but without having to add to fast fashion. A sustainable brand was the key, the best of both worlds.

The big push to make it official happened just before the pandemic, when we found ourselves so frustrated with the lack of colorful options of clothing for guys. All the fun designs seemed to be over in the girls section. The girls sections had odd fits. Then it hit, use a sustainble brand to make unisex fitting clothing, in designs that anyone, any gender, any way can love.

Organi was born.

Living abroad at the time we first created our demos, we were caught up in a strict quarentine area. We had batches and batches of our first photoshoots overshadowed by facemasks. We could just never find that content feeling with any of the photos and felt it distracted heavily from what we wanted to achieve. We had major issues with sourcing the fabric for the demos as everyone was under extreme pressure from the pandemic, we ended up demotivated physically and mentally.

We shelved the brand for an indefinite amount of time and decided to wait out the pandemic, focus on ourselves and our families and try again when things would be better. It was heartbreaking when the idea was so fresh to us, but as many of us back then we had little choice.

However, the time aside gave us the opportunity to study the business side of things & not just the creatives.

  • Our Original Drawing

  • Gold Artifact

  • Scribe Art

  • Sacrificial Knife

Another little known fact about us is that one of us comes from Peruvian heritage. A big piece of that influenced one of our favorite designs, the TUMI range. Tumi is an incan god of ancient Peruvian culture. We have some artifact replicas at home, as many Peruvian families do for good luck and health. It's nice to hold a proudness to parts of your culture, it's how we keep the beauty of past peoples alive. Although our drawing of Tumi was a loose inspiration sketch of ours, we bring forward our own meaning, to feel strong when you wear it on your chest.