About Us

Born from the aspiring minds of partners Jorge & Dany, Organi Clothing is an independently-run brand established in 2020 during the peak of the then world pandemic. Starting back in a time when the words 'sustainability' and 'organic' were thrown around and relatively new buzzwords in the fashion world, Organi set out to challenge that meaning from scratch.

After noticing two major gaps in the everyday clothing market - for guys finding clothes that were not just bland & colorless, void of personality; and for girls finding a lack of clothing options that could just be free-fitting for once and not overly shaped or formed for a 'girls' body, we wanted to bring forward a range of ultimately unisex, 'wear what you feel', expressive clothing. No stereotypes, no nonsense. Just good comfortable clothes.

We base our inspiration on the world of vintage clothes, and as amazing as that movement is (and we have a passion for vintage and thrifting) it is well known to be lacking size options, new 'feels', material technology, or sometimes just too roughed up or torn to wear. So how do we get around wanting to support vintage clothing while also not adding to the toxic fast fashion industry or bringing unnecessary amounts of new and disposable items into the world? - By creating what we call future vintage clothing.

Our high-quality clothing achieve the best of both worlds; having that luxury quality feel, that deserved excitement of opening a fresh new piece, of being able to pick your own size that you feel comfortable with. All while maintaining the sustainability that vintage offers by using recycled polyesters and fabrics, organic cotton and materials, fair wages to workers, recycled plastic packaging and high quality durability so that when the time comes, you can pass these beloved items down to future generations when they've served their use to you. To become the next vintage clothing. The future vintage.

- Jorge & Dany